Welcome to the MIDI BABY BETA Program.

Updated 11.06.2023

This page contains the information and files needed to update your MIDI Baby or MIDI Baby 3 firmware, as well as resources to help you get the most out of its new features and enhancements.

If you find any issues with the beta version, or would like to request changes or enhancements to the beta firmware, please use the contact form below to submit those requests. Please note that we may not respond to every beta request, but if we do make changes to the firmware we will post the new files here on this page so check back often.


BETA Change Log:

v11a (released 11.15.2023)

  • Fixes issue with USB Host

  • Fixes Windows MIDI error

v10b (released 11.05.2023)

  • Fixed issue with LED brightness and expression pedal settings not saving.

v10a (released 10.31.2023)

  • Fixed issue with double-clocking if MIDI clock is sent to 5-pin or USB port

  • Corrected issue with MIDI channel offset by +1

v10 (released 06.22.2023)

  • Fixed issue with setting / resetting batch counters

  • Added LED Color setting to each action

  • Reset Batch Counter action also turns off the LED for that button, use with care

v10b (released 11.05.2023)

  • Fixed issue with LED brightness not saving

  • Fixed issue with expression pedal input not saving

KNOWN ISSUES (no need to report these, we are actively working on them)

  • v10 won’t send Sysex back from MultiJacks to computer / Meris editors won’t work (this is related to MIDI thru, above.)

WARNING! Use of this beta firmware is fraught with peril and may result in anguish and uncertainty. Proceed with caution.

Update your firmware with the following version:

MIDI Baby 3 v11a BETA (updated 11.10.2023)

(Optional) Install this file using the editor to restore the factory original setup:

MIDI Baby 3 Factory Setup (updated 11.01.2023)

Update tools and info are on the Support page here


WARNING! Use of this beta firmware is fraught with peril and may result in anguish and uncertainty. Proceed with caution.

Update your firmware with the following version:

MIDI Baby 27 BETA 2 (updated 11.16.2023)

MIDI Baby Factory Setup (updated 11.16.2023)

MIDI BABY 3 Beta Bug Report / Feature Request Form