Welcome to the DMC.micro V2 BETA Program.
Updated 11.26.2023
This page contains the information and files needed to update your DMC.micro to V2 firmware, as well as resources to help you get the most out of its new features and enhancements.
If you find any issues with the beta version, or would like to request changes or enhancements to the beta firmware, please use the contact form below to submit those requests. Please note that we may not respond to every beta request, but if we do make changes to the firmware we will post the new files here on this page so check back often.
BETA Change Log:
Added MIDI PC as message type for UTIL modes
Added new devices (Whammy 4, Neunaber Illumine, Kernom Ridge, IK Tone-X, Line 6 DL4 mkII)
Renamed RIVERSIDE device to STRYMON v2 as these have the same controls
Added tap tempo support to STRYMON v2 to work with newer devices
Added config option for preset offset display (0-99 default, or 1-100 if you’re nasty)
Added eeprom ready state check for 24CWxxx family EEPROMs
Fixed issue with jack UTIL mode not sending CC
Added config option for bypass send ON CHANGE or ALWAYS
fix issue with USB -> 5-pin MIDI thru for sysex messages only
added sysex output for C4 + other Source Audio devices to enable MIDI over 1/8" TRRS
Added Source Audio One Series TRRS device
Fixed issue with USB receive not sending out MIDI CC correctly
added PRESETx4 and GLOBALx4 to clock menu
added OLED brightness command
reduced USB power draw to allow use with iOS devices
Added CH.A BASE configuration, allows user to set output MIDI channel range
Show MIDI channel for each device on the Device Pages
Preset mode bypass state is now only sent if the device needs to change
v2.01a Fixed issue with UTIL NAMES not loading if entire preset was sent for 100-105. (used by editor app)
Fixed issue with preset dump + recall loading invalid presets 100-105 (used by editor app)
Added sysex comand 0x79: return current program (used by editor app)
Fixed issue with “dc” presets not sending MIDI bypass commands
Fixes issue with MIDI clock rates saving incorrectly with 8D or TRP subdivisions
Increased expression pedal update speed
Fixed issue with sending expression to Device D
Added two MultiJack destinations: EXP SPLT and RLY.
EXP SPLT / SPLT DMC will send global expression in Preset / Clock / Util modes, and send to the active device only in A, B, C, D modes
Set DIP switches to ON-ON-ON, enable your desired devices in the J CH setup item
RLY - DMC will latch the MultiJack optical relay for channel or remote switching.
Set DIP switches to OFF-OFF-OFF, then set JACK = RLY. Enter one of the UTIL mode entries and change the TYPE (U LT, U RT, etc.) to “TOGG.”
Set the channel for that mode to “RLY” (U LC = RLY)
Relay may be saved as part of a preset by enabling Util Load.
DMC.micro LED version now supports preset names. Update with this version, then set NAME = ON in the DMC setup menu.
Supports DMC.micro Editor for configuring the entire pedal, saving your setup, renaming presets, and re-ordering your device presets.
Supports DMC.micro Preset Renamer utility to edit and save preset names (requires Chrome, Edge, or Opera browser.)
Fixed issue with sending sysex from setup mode if USB host is active
Increased sysex message banking time, prevents screen blinking
Added dump all command to sysex (0x7B + number)
Fixed issue with factory reset not clearing preset 99
Added 0x58 and 0x5B commands for renaming presets
Fixed issue with sysex send failing when no serial number is assigned
Added Eventide Stomp devices (BlackHole, UltraTap, MicroPitch)
Added draft User Manual for DMC.micro PRO (also covers DMC.micro with v2 firmware)
Fixed issue with name display on longer names (PRO only)
Fixed issue with tap out on MultiJack (N-O, N-C configs)
Fixed issue with expression display text (PRO only)
Changed display compare / update method to speed updates and reduce memory
Added C4, MERIS, CBA items in FACT menu. Select any of these to auto-config DevA for use with the specified device
Internal release only
Added CUSTOM1 and CUSTOM2 device types, allows user to define their own device drivers
Reworked sysex handling to support external editors (Meris, Alexander, etc)
Factory reset now clears preset names (PRO only)
IMPORTANT: 2b06 moves the locations of the device selections! You MUST factory reset after updating to 2b06 and higher firmware, or your presets will not be saved / loaded correctly and may result in unexpected behaviour.
Internal release only
Added Boss GT1000 Core device
Fixes issue with LED brightness not being saved / recalled
Fixes issue with MIDI connectivity for Windows systems
Disabled unused setup menu items - if UTIL X, UTIL Y, or JACK UTIL settings are OFF, then those setup menu items will be skipped
Add LONG-HOLD to right footswitch - press and hold right FS to return to preset mode (or first mode if P mode is disabled)
Added CC to set clock directly (CC103, 0-127 = 30-157 bpm, CC104, 0-127 = 150-277 bpm)
Changed all large memory transfers to block mode, speeds up reset and sysex dump / restore
Fixed an issue with AutoConfig message not being sent at the correct time - now sends after boot but before preset recall
IMPORTANT: 2b03 moves the locations of the presets! You MUST factory reset after updating to 2b03 and higher firmware, or your presets will not be saved / loaded correctly and may result in unexpected behaviour.
Fixed an issue with config data not corresponding to memory locations
USB Host mode is now disabled in first-run setup, allows sysex dump / restore even when set to Host. Once pedal boots, USB Host mode resumes at all times, even in setup
Fixed an issue with bypass on Source Audio USB devices (C4, Spectrum, Ultrawave)
Increased speed of expression scanning
Added re-init for MultiJack MIDI devices after setup
Added “D” device mode, now supports four devices for scrolling and preset modes
Added UTIL Y mode, this mode may be used as a looper control mode for any device A-D or a second UTIL mode
Added CLOCK mode, sends MIDI clock and (optionally) taps from MultiJack relay contact
Added configuration for UTIL LOAD, loads toggled states of UTIL mode functions for UTIL.X, UTIL.Y, or UTIL.JACK
Added configuration for JACK UTIL, allows user to connect a dual footswitch (PBA-EXP, FS-6, etc) and assign any two MIDI commands
Added configuration for JACK UTIL EXP, allows user to connect an expression pedal to the MultiJack and assign an arbitrary MIDI command and range
Added MIDI Sysex Dump and Restore for presets and configuration
DMC.micro will now start on the last used page (preset, device, clock, etc) and on the last used preset
Fixed issues with UTIL LD and INCH setup menu items, now displays correctly
WARNING! Use of this beta firmware is fraught with peril and may result in anguish and uncertainty. Proceed with caution.
Update your firmware with the following version:
DMC.micro v2.03 Updated 11.26.2023
Update tools and info are on the Support page here
DMC.micro Editor app is here. (Requires Chrome, Opera, or Edge browser.)
Preset renamer utility is here. (Requires Chrome, Opera, or Edge browser.)
After update, perform a factory reset: Power on, wait until the display scrolls, hold both buttons. Wait for countdown to finish, power off and back on.
This WILL ERASE YOUR PRESETS, CONFIGURATION, SETTINGS, UTIL MAPPINGS. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. You might want to write down your settings before you do all this, just saying.